
by Shluem James
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Rajkotupdates.news reports an exciting discovery in medical history! A man from Rajkot has been found to have a rare blood group, 11th such case worldwide. The discovery of Emm-negative blood type is a medical marvel that has taken the world by storm. This news has brought a positive impact for rare blood types and has inspired the medical community to conduct further research.


The man from Rajkot has been found to have a rare blood group that is not commonly found in the general population. This discovery has made him a medical marvel and a source of inspiration for many.

11th case of its kind worldwide

The Rajkot man’s rare blood group is the 11th of its kind to be found worldwide. This discovery has opened up new avenues for research and has brought hope to those with rare blood types.

Emm-negative blood type discovered

The Rajkot man’s rare blood group is known as Emm-negative blood type, which is a subtype of the O blood group. This subtype is extremely rare and is not commonly found in the general population.

Rajkotupdates.news shares the news!

Rajkotupdates.news has been spreading the news of this rare discovery worldwide. This platform has been instrumental in bringing this news to the forefront and inspiring others to take notice.

A rare discovery in medical history

The discovery of Emm-negative blood type is a rare and significant discovery in medical history. This discovery has opened up new avenues for research and has brought hope to those with rare blood types.

Positive impact for rare blood types

The discovery of Emm-negative blood type has had a positive impact on those with rare blood types. This discovery has increased awareness and has brought attention to the importance of rare blood types in the medical community.

Rajkot man becomes a medical marvel

The man from Rajkot has become a medical marvel due to his rare blood group. This discovery has brought him into the spotlight and has made him a source of inspiration for many.

Rajkotupdates.news spreading good news

Rajkotupdates.news has been instrumental in spreading this good news worldwide. This platform has been working tirelessly to ensure that this rare discovery is recognized and celebrated globally.

World celebrates rare blood group case

The discovery of Emm-negative blood type has been celebrated worldwide. This rare discovery has brought hope and inspiration to many, and has opened up new avenues for research. rajkotupdates.news:emm-negative-rare-blood-group-found-in-rajkot-man-11th-such-case-worldwide

Rajkot resident’s unique blood type

The Rajkot resident’s rare blood type is a unique and significant discovery in medical history. This discovery has brought attention to the importance of rare blood types and has increased awareness in the medical community.

Medical community takes note

The medical community has taken note of this rare discovery and has been inspired to conduct further research. This discovery has opened up new avenues for research and has brought hope to those with rare blood types.


The Rajkot man’s rare blood type has inspired research in the medical community. This discovery has brought attention to the importance of rare blood types and has inspired others to conduct further research in this area.

This rare discovery has brought hope and inspiration to many, and has opened up new avenues for research in the medical community. Rajkotupdates.news has been instrumental in spreading this good news worldwide and has brought attention to the importance of rare blood types. The discovery of Emm-negativSet featured imagee blood type is a significant milestone in medical history, and we look forward to seeing further research and discoveries in this area.

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